
Sovereign by April Daniels
Sovereign by April  Daniels

Sovereign by April Daniels

The video is a repost of an episode of "The Benny Show," posted April 7 by conservative commentator and podcast host Benny Johnson.

Sovereign by April Daniels

Yes, the post really used that many periods. "Barack A.r.r.e.s.t.e.d Next-! Obama C.a.m.p.a.i.g.n took $30 Million ILLEGALLY From Commie China F.u.g.i.t.i.v.e!" the caption of an April 29 Facebook post read, attributing the information to "CNN BREAKING NEWS." Some social media users speculated the scheme would lead, or had already led, to Obama’s arrest. Fugees rapper Prakazrel "Pras" Michel was convicted April 26 of charges related to an international political conspiracy that targeted former Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump.

Sovereign by April  Daniels