The journey the two of them embark on together must begin with love, Rune thinks. This is, after all, his own nightmare, though in his dream the culprit is always leprosy. He was earlier noted for The Story of Philosophy (1924), described as. He is best known for The Story of Civilization, 11 volumes written in collaboration with his wife Ariel Durant and published between 19. Of Digby’s hands Verghese writes: “The spectacle of these ruined tools of a surgeon’s livelihood fills Rune with sorrow. William James Durant (/drnt/ Novem November 7, 1981) was an American writer, historian, and philosopher. These passages provide some of the book’s most moving and revelatory moments. When Digby, badly burned in an accidental fire, flees to a remote leprosy sanctuary to recover, he is slowly repaired there by the (marvelously drawn) Swedish village doctor Rune Orqvist.

Amazon Price New from Used from Hardcover 'Please retry' £275.00 £275.00 Hardcover£275.00 1 Used from£275. Verghese folds in major players, guiding them toward each other: the irresistible Digby Kilgour, a young medical graduate, migrates in 1933 from a nightmare childhood in Glasgow to Madras, India, to gain surgical experience: “The sight of suffering is familiar its language transcends all borders.” Medical crises incite action throughout the novel, allowing Verghese to tap into his deep experience and endearingly humane philosophy. The Story of Civilization (11 volume set) Hardcover 4.6 out of 5 stars80 ratings See all formats and editions Sorry, there was a problem loading this page.